Previews of Asator

We've got some of the top game reviewers in the business who did Previews of Asator with the early edition before final artwork and rules additions. See what they've got to say about this awesome game. We'll be going back to these same folks with the final version to get full blown reviews when it's released!

Travis Lopez,  Purple Phoenix Games

Vikings. Raiding and pillaging and dragon riding. That’s about the extent of my knowledge of the ancient(?) civilization that so many people go bonkers romanticizing. Okay, so they didn’t REALLY ride dragons, but How To Train Your Dragon is great and the game I am previewing today also includes dragons, so I’m rolling with it. But how does this Viking game play and compare to its inspirations?

Click Here to read the entire preview

Selwyn Ward, Board's Eye View

Designed by Paul Templeman, with art by Kelly Templeman and Victor Torres, Asator is a meld between an abstract strategy war game and Dungeons & Dragons (Wizards of the Coast), albeit shaved of the role-play element. Open the box and you'll be impressed with the components: two armies of individually numbered miniatures, a sturdy cloth 60cm x 60cm hex mapboard, and two sets of dry-wipe boards on which to track hit points for each of the units in your army. You'll also find two sets of spell cards for your armies' wizards.

Click Here for the full preview including Selwyn's 360 view of the game.